The 2025-2026 school calendar was recently approved by the School Committee. All of the key dates for next school year, including the first day of school, early release dates, and vacation days/days off from school are included. Take a look at it here: https://5il.co/38n1g

We will be one of the school districts at the MPDE Educator Diversity Career Fair on Saturday, March 1, 2025. The fair takes place from 10am-2pm at Brookline High School. If you are looking for a career in education, or know someone who is, check out the flyer for more information. Click here for the registration form: https://forms.gle/yPo9xDRT5VpB1vaR6

The Stoughton School Committee will be meeting on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at 7pm in the conference room at the SPS District Office, 31 Pierce St. An agenda for the meeting can be found here: https://5il.co/38ea9. This meeting features a Superintendent Candidate Interview with Juliette Miller, current Principal at Stoughton High School. For more information about Superintendent succession planning, please see this update: https://www.stoughtonschools.org/article/2044197.

Welcome back from February vacation! We hope you enjoyed the break! Students and staff returned to school on Monday, February 24, 2025.

Now that we are in December and the official start of winter is right around the corner, here is a reminder of our school cancellation and delayed opening plan for when there is inclement weather: https://www.stoughtonschools.org/page/cancellation-delayed-opening-plan

Thursday, December 12, 2024 is an early release day for the Stoughton Public Schools. Here are the school hours for early release days: SHS & OMS - 7:35am - 11:32am; Elementary Schools - 8:30am - 12:20pm; Preschool - 8:30am - 11:00am (No afternoon preschool session). Lunch will still be served.

In appreciation of our educators' dedication to students with unique learning needs, the Stoughton Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) created the Bright Knight Award to recognize the daily support given to our students. SEPAC invited parents whose children have Individualized Education Plans or 504s to nominate staff members who have supported their children's journey to achieve their full potential. Congratulations to the winners of the inaugural Bright Knight Award from the Jones Early Childhood Center - Nicole Velozo and Christine Carter!

Upcoming days off from school: There will be no school for students on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Schools are closed for a staff professional development day. Students will return to school on Wednesday, November 6. And, there is also no school on Monday, November 11, 2024 in observance of Veterans Day. The District office and school offices are also closed on Veterans Day.

The Jones Early Childhood Center's PTO is hosting a "Touch a Truck" event this coming Saturday, October 26 from 10am-1pm at the Jones (rear parking lot via Park Ave.).

Jones Early Childhood Center preschool students and staff are pictured here out on the school’s playground on what was bumblebee pride day (the Jones School mascot is the bumblebee).

Massachusetts STEM Week takes place from October 21-25 this year. We will be highlighting examples of the great work being done in our classrooms throughout the Stoughton Public Schools focusing on areas of science, technology, engineering, and math. STEM Week is an annual statewide effort to boost the interest, awareness, and ability for all learners to envision themselves in STEM education and employment opportunities. The theme for STEM Week this year is “STEM starts now” – at any age you can learn about STEM, from our youngest learners to adult learners. SPS offers a wide variety of STEM opportunities from PreK-12. Every student in SPS takes technology and engineering each year from K-5, STEM class in grades 6-8, and then students can choose engineering or computer science pathways in addition to the many math, business, and science courses offered at SHS. All of these courses are designed to expose students to real life applications and opportunities as well as prepare them for higher education or career skills. Be sure to check our social media pages this week to see examples of STEM education right here in the Stoughton Public Schools!

Click on the link to see pictures from the first day of preschool at the Jones Early Childhood Center: https://www.facebook.com/stoughtonpublicschools/posts/pfbid0TQ1E4K2WEy141hUXaeueCC7GQVkD7oApiRhoYr19c5LxPBjmq27nDba5stFiaYmwl

New or this school year, the Jones Early Childhood Center has a PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)!

Before the start of preschool, the Jones Early Childhood Center held an open house to give students and families a chance to visit the school and meet their teachers. Families could also stop by a table to find out about the new Jones Early Childhood Center PTO and pick up a Table Talks box from our friends at the Stoughton OASIS Coalition. More pictures are posted here: https://www.facebook.com/stoughtonpublicschools/posts/pfbid0ppvdC7JdrXnEqW8NhsQCnFGHpqU8PzxXoXuWij345u1LoGouihvGfJASPDan7AyKl

The 2024-2025 Stoughton Public Schools district calendar includes all of the key dates, like holidays and vacations, early release days, etc. This calendar can be found here: https://5il.co/2c9au

Attention families with students entering preschool next year: Save the date! The Jones Early Childhood Center will be holding an open house for new students on Wednesday, April 24, 2024 from 5-6pm at the Jones ECC (137 Walnut St. in Stoughton). Parents, guardians, and children are welcome. This is a great opportunity to learn more about our preschool program. (Please note that for the 2024-2025 school year, preschool students must be 3 or 4 years of age by August 31, 2024 and be toilet trained.)

Due to the forecasted winter storm, the Stoughton Public Schools will be CLOSED Tuesday, February 13, 2024. All schools and the district office will be closed and all after school activities on Tuesday are cancelled. This decision is based on the local National Weather Service noting that the storm is an all day event. Stay safe in the storm!

On display in the halls of the Jones Early Childhood Center...Be the reason someone smiles today!

Here are some more examples of winter themed art projects on display at the Jones Early Childhood Center!

Lots of winter themed art projects line the halls of the Jones Early Childhood Center! Take a look at some examples here…