Due to the forecasted winter storm, the Stoughton Public Schools will be CLOSED Tuesday, February 13, 2024. All schools and the district office will be closed and all after school activities on Tuesday are cancelled. This decision is based on the local National Weather Service noting that the storm is an all day event. Stay safe in the storm!
Breakfast and lunch menus for February have been posted on the website. You can view them here: https://www.stoughtonschools.org/page/menus
Here is a look at the Wilkins School 4th & 5th grade choruses performing at their winter concert. More photos are posted here: https://www.facebook.com/stoughtonpublicschools/posts/pfbid02yQthR2irykSzfcyeysNSjvMJAo4HdMbDn8mB68FptcZcpjULG3x78Mep245GBN45l
Here is a look at the Wilkins School 4th & 5th grade bands performing at their winter concert. More photos are posted here: https://www.facebook.com/stoughtonpublicschools/posts/pfbid02yQthR2irykSzfcyeysNSjvMJAo4HdMbDn8mB68FptcZcpjULG3x78Mep245GBN45l
Welcome back from winter vacation! We hope you enjoyed the break! Students and staff returned to school today, Tuesday, January 2, 2024.
The January breakfast and lunch menus can be found here: https://www.stoughtonschools.org/page/menus
Happy New Year to our Stoughton Public Schools community! There is no school on Monday, January 1, 2024. Students return from winter vacation on Tuesday, January 2, 2024. We look forward to seeing you soon!
As part of the C.A.R.E.S. initiative at the Wilkins School, students learn about how to best exemplify the traits of Community, Acceptance, Responsibility, Empathy, and Self Control throughout the school year. The Wilkins recently focused on the importance of acceptance. Congratulations to the Wilkins students pictured here for exemplifying the positive character trait of acceptance!
Now that we are in December and the official start of winter is right around the corner, here is a reminder of our school cancellation and delayed opening plan for when there is inclement weather: https://www.stoughtonschools.org/page/cancellation-delayed-opening-plan
Updated breakfast and lunch menus can be found here: https://www.stoughtonschools.org/page/menus
Ms. Gaul's third grade students at the Wilkins School recently met for the first time with their kindergarten buddies in Mrs. Faria's classroom. Third grade students had chosen a book to read to their buddies and then together they colored a fall picture. Ms. Gaul's students were great role models and Mrs. Faria's kindergarteners were super excited to make a new connection at the Wilkins!
As part of the C.A.R.E.S. initiative at the Wilkins School, students learn about how to best exemplify the traits of Community, Acceptance, Responsibility, Empathy, and Self Control throughout the school year. Community was the first positive character trait that the Wilkins focused on this school year. Congratulations to the Wilkins students pictured here for exemplifying community!
Updated breakfast and lunch menus can be found here: https://www.stoughtonschools.org/page/menus
Constitution Day, which commemorates the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787, and the Wilkins School created its own Wilkins Constitution to mark the occasion. The Wilkins Constitution had three categories - "Be Safe", "Be Responsible", and "Be Respectful". Wilkins classes discussed the rules and expectations they wanted to see included and wrote them out and placed the strips of paper under the appropriate category. Students then signed the Constitution this week. It will be on display in one of the hallways at the Wilkins during the month of September. Second grade students are pictured here placing the rules/expectations on the Constitution and then taking turns signing it.
Wilkins School students seen here in the classroom at the start of the school year.
Our newest Wildcats were all smiles at the Wilkins School's Kindergarten Meet & Greet event!
Here are the school breakfast and lunch menus for September: https://www.stoughtonschools.org/page/menus. Please note that free school breakfast and lunch has been extended for the 2023-2024 school year for all students!
Take a look at some pictures from the Wilkins School's Grade 5 Celebration! More pictures are posted here: https://www.facebook.com/stoughtonpublicschools/posts/733285848799178
Take a look at some pictures from the Wilkins School's Kindergarten Celebration! More photos can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/stoughtonpublicschools/posts/732483508879412
As part of the C.A.R.E.S. initiative at the Wilkins School, students learn about how to best exemplify the traits of Community, Acceptance, Responsibility, Empathy, and Self Control throughout the school year. The Wilkins recently focused on the importance of self control. Congratulations to the Wilkins students pictured here for being recognized for exemplifying the positive character trait of self control!