4th graders at the Wilkins School recently worked together to create a cup pyramid in the Learning Commons that was 6’ 6” tall! They were inspired by first graders who created an impressive pyramid of their own. Take a look at a couple of pictures here!
almost 3 years ago, Stoughton Public Schools
Wilkins School students working on a cup pyramid
Wilkins School students working on a cup pyramid
Here is the calendar for next school year (2022-2023): https://5il.co/16dgu
almost 3 years ago, Stoughton Public Schools
2022-2023 School Calendar
Here is the elementary school lunch menu for March: https://5il.co/yb7n
almost 3 years ago, Stoughton Public Schools
March 2022 Elementary Lunch Menu
Bus postcards were mailed out on Friday, August 13 and families should be receiving them this week (the week of August 16). Students will need to show the postcard to the bus drivers when they board the bus.
over 3 years ago, Stoughton Public Schools
Stoughton School Bus
At the Wilkins, our third grade life cycle studies include learning about the process in which eggs become butterflies with hands on learning, as they grow butterflies in their classroom. The butterflies have emerged from their chyrsalis and pupa stage, and the third graders get to enjoy watching their butterflies get strong before they release them. Projects demonstrating their understanding of the butterfly life cycle line the halls outside their classroom so the rest of the school can learn about it too.
over 3 years ago, Stoughton Public Schools
Eggs becoming butterflies
Chicken life-cycle
butterfly hatching
Yesterday, kindergarten students from Mrs. Faria's classroom at the Wilkins School released their butterflies. Students learned about the lifecycle of a butterfly and were able to observe the transformation of their caterpillars to butterflies in their classroom. Students were sad to see their "class pets" go but happy that they were released into their natural habitat.
over 3 years ago, Stoughton Public Schools
Students releasing butterflies
Students releasing butterflies
Students releasing butterflies
Students releasing butterflies
At the Wilkins, our third grade classrooms have been busy learning about the life cycle. A few weeks ago, third grade started hosting eggs in an incubator, and this week the eggs started hatching. Many of the chicks have already born, and they are so adorable. In the photo with the eggs in the incubator you can see a chick is just about ready to hatch, the shell is mostly broken. Our chicks will stay at the Wilkins a little longer before they move on to their new home.
over 3 years ago, Stoughton Public Schools
Newborn chicks
newborn chicks