Stoughton Junior High School was opened on October 1, 1960. In September 1994, Stoughton Junior High became the Stoughton Middle School and shortly thereafter, it was named the Dr. Robert G. O’Donnell Middle School (O.M.S.).
The school is named for Dr. Robert G. O’Donnell who contributed thirty-five years of service to the Stoughton School System. He started in 1959 as Director of Science at Stoughton High School. In 1960, Dr. O’Donnell became Principal of Stoughton Junior High School, a position he held until his retirement in 1991.
The O'Donnell Middle School, in partnership with families and the community, will maintain a safe environment that fosters the intellectual growth and social development of each student.
We will empower students to be active participants in their school community by demonstrating the values of R.E.S.P.E.C.T.
We believe the schooling process involves the cooperative participation of students, parents, teachers, and administrators in the development and implementation of the curriculum.
It is our vision that students be engaged in learning activities, which encourage them to:
Develop the academic abilities and skills to become life-long learners;
Possess a positive sense of self-worth;
Feel capable as they take on new developmental tasks and challenges;
Behave ethically and act responsibly toward others;
Develop sound work habits, motivation, and values;
Have a perspective on the future that provides a source of positive direction and energy;
Appreciate the benefits of a diverse society and respect the values of others;
Develop communication skills which enable them to get along with others and develop long-term interpersonal relationships;
Engage in health enhancing and health protective behaviors; and
Become positive, contributing members of their peer group, family, school, and community.
Recognizing that a child’s education is a partnership between home and school, the O’Donnell Middle School Council has identified four core values for families and school to share:
Families and school should nurture children by encouraging them to work hard, persevere, and strive for academic excellence.
Families and school should encourage children to accept responsibility for their own behavior and act with integrity.
Families and school should encourage children to treat each other with respect and value diversity.
Families and school should encourage children to mediate disagreements, reduce conflicts, and prevent violence.